Monday, July 19, 2010


note: this in an emergency message for yang. Please check your email. Also I am in Houston and my Phone charger is in Dallas, and I am left with one bar.....I may not be able to communicate by phone until 7/ might not even be then. Yang please check your email. I apologize to the readers of this blog.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bottom of the Ocean

There is one person that I really respect, and her name is Miley Cyrus. I used to be a crazy Hannah Montana fan, but after I died down a bit, I picked up her autobiography last year when I went to Disney World. It was really good, so I started reading it againg a couple days ago, and i remembered things, and values, and relationships that I almost completely forgot. Even though she was sixteen when she wrote it, she had a lot to tell. Miley went through so much as a child, and she had to give up her only love to audition for Hannah Montana. She is a strong young, christian lady, and helps people all the time. One thing she said in her book was how she came up with the song, "Bottom of the Ocean" She originally wanted to make it about 2 special friends she once had, but there was so much more to it. It could have been about anything. Miley said that she buries things at the bottom of her personal ocean, things that shes tried to let go of for so long and she has inspired me to do the same. I actually have 2 oceans, a physical and a mental. When most people think of Miley, they think of the little Disney channel girl they saw years ago, but she isn't a little girl anymore. She is pretty much an adult now, and Im sure she would like it if her fans and the rest of America respected her discisions. Even if they don't, Miley Cyrus ALWAYS shakes the haters off and keeps on moving.
