Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Saga continues...

A Pretty Short Post:
To Drake:
Its Later, Thank you.

The Saga Continues.....

A pretty short post:! Drizzy Drake man, you should know what she would do for you.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Saga Continues.....

A pretty short post: I believe that Marshmallows come from clouds

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Short Post Saga

Hello Readers! If you read my last post I apologize for not putting a sig. This is yin by the way. Also if you read the post, you notice it was pretty short.I am going to be doing a saga of pretty short post telling random bits of information, so enjoy!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hey guys. I know its been a while since Ive blogged, but life has been slow and not much worth to blog about has been coming to me. Last night I made up my mind and thought about things that I could possibly interest you, and I addiction. Now I'm not addicted to anything illegal like drugs, but it is still considered an addiction. I, Yang, am addicted to sunflower seeds,social sites, and clothes. Now its sorta no longer low-key which is why I decided to share it with yall. Sunflower seeds just seem to put me at ease and calms my nerves, which I know is funny but its very true. Around my house you will always find a bag of David's barbecue flavored sunflower seeds just because I happen to have what one might call, on-end nerves. When I say social sites, I mean sites like facebook and twitter,which I might add I have been neglecting for my brand new facebook, just make me happy. Its something about me being able to look at people's stuff without them knowing and yes, I do know that makes me sound weird but that's Yang for ya. But my biggest addiction would have to be clothes. I love them with a passion. I believe that its the fact that you can have so many different things and the fact that they show your character. I have alot of clothes and I do thing that in the future shoppers anonymous will have a visit from me. They are just soooo pretty that going inside stores just brightens my attitude so much that I seriously consider a future in design as my career. I really feel that admitting an addiction helps them and I don't feel that having one is bad, it just shows your love for that particular thing. Before I go I just wanna know, Whats your addiction?

Sunday, July 25, 2010