Thursday, July 1, 2010

Introduction/ Advice

Hello, my name is Ryliegh, and I am a new intern for the Yin Yang Thang blog. I am happy to be apart of this blog, for one because, I have a lot to say and this gives me a chance to express those things. Also, I'm well known for posts that I put on Gmail called thoughts of the week, and I would love to put those on this blog, people say they are really helpful to their everyday lives. But, I don't just post about "Kidd stuff" I am very mature for my age, so sometimes my posts are going to be really deep and in depth. I am a total computer nerd, like I love to be on the computer just doing anything, and giving advice is usually what I'm doing. Every now and then I post a blog on relationship websites or on adult websites, and you may think that's weird because I'm a teen but I understand the adult mind and I relate to older people. So if you ever need someone to talk to I would love to help you out. Well, I think that's all I have to say for now, but since I am a new member of the blog, I will give you a "Thought of the Weekend" since its Thursday: Topic: Relationships
For the ladies: When you find a guy that makes you smile don't jump to conclusions as to whether or not you will be w/ him, but take time to get to know him. And if you already have someone, never let your relationship die, keep on adding more adventure and spontinanity so that you continue to grow in each other.
For the guys: The one thing that girls look for in a guy is someone who listens, so when you meet a girl or even if you already have one, remember that you are more than just someone who she wants to hang out w/ she expects you to be there for her when times are rough so she can have a shoulder to cry on.
For both: Being in a relationship is a wonderful thing but if you don't know how to handle one, you are at a loss, and the best thing to do for both guys and girls is that you find who YOU are first so that when you meet someone, and they try to change you, you know who you are and what your about so you can be independent w/ or w/o them.

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